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Loyalty and Healthcare

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Do you feel that loyalty is relevant as it relates to healthcare? If so, how do you develop it in a price sensitive market? If not, what is your approach to customer interaction?

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The response provides you a structured explanation of "Loyalty and Healthcare" . It also gives you the relevant references.

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Loyalty is relevant to healthcare. Doctors gain from long term patient relationships, Hospitals gain from patient loyalty and health insurers gain from a strong customer base. In the past, healthcare institutions have gone a long way in developing patient loyalty.They have reduced the stress of patients, helped increase satisfaction of patients, and provided support so important to healing. There have been cases where clinics have provided concierge services to patients. The objective has been to develop patient loyalty. The ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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