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Prospecting Generating Leads in Business

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Hi. I need help with the (2) questions below.

1. What is prospecting? How does a business generate leads? How are leads converted to relationships? How are relationships converted to sales? Discuss how your company handles each phase of the customer relationship process.

2. Why is it important for you to reevaluate a sales plan? How often should a sales plan be reevaluated? What changes may come about as a result? Tell us about a time when you reevaluated and adjusted a plan of your own.

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A definition of prospecting is examined. How business generates leads is determined.

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Prospecting is the recognition and pursuit of new business chances in new and/or subsisting accounts. Prospecting necessitates sales people to lay down contact with people who might purchase their products or services. The present sales people can do prospecting through different methods like phone prospecting, face-to-face prospecting or group prospecting and in-bound or outbound (Honeycutt, Ford & Simintiras, 2003). Whatever method is adopted by sales people for prospecting they are able to sell anything until or unless they get in front of or talk to probable buyers.

With the help of effective prospecting a business can easily generate leads. At this second stage of the sales process, the salespersons generate qualified leads through identifying new opportunities among the subsisting customer base and by distinguishing his or her company in comparison to other significant competitors (Creating an effective sales process, 2010). Qualifying assist businesses effectively, in identifying a qualified decision maker or an associate in the organization who can assist them in reaching the qualified leads.

The leads can be converted to relationships by evidencing them that your company can really deliver the promised goods and services. Here salespeople need to ...

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