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To hire or not to hire fat Cindy

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You have been taking phone applications for counter positions in your doughnut shop. One applicant, Cindy, is very well spoken and polite. You tell Cindy to come in after lunch when you will be in the shop. At 1:30 p.m., a car pulls up and a gigantic young woman gets out. She comes in and introduces herself as Cindy. She is so nice, so qualified, but so fat. Cindy volunteers that she will have her seamstress make her uniforms because she knows they do not come in sizes to fit a 260-pound, five-foot-three-inch woman. She tells you that she has no medical problemâ?"she is just fat. Meanwhile, you have vowed never to eat another doughnut and to drink your coffee black and sugarless. You do not want to not hire such a nice person solely because of her weight. There are no space problems with hiring Cindy, as your work area is large. You wonder if this fear of lost business is personal or if Cindy's size will really affect business. How do you find out? What do you tell nice, but morbidly obese, Cindy if you decide not to hire her?

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Solution Summary

You have been taking phone applications for counter positions in your doughnut shop. One applicant, Cindy, is very well spoken and polite. You tell Cindy to come in after lunch when you will be in the shop. At 1:30 p.m., a car pulls up and a gigantic young woman gets out. She comes in and introduces herself as Cindy. She is so nice, so qualified, but so fat. Cindy volunteers that she will have her seamstress make her uniforms because she knows they do not come in sizes to fit a 260-pound, five-foot-three-inch woman. She tells you that she has no medical problemâ?"she is just fat. Meanwhile, you have vowed never to eat another doughnut and to drink your coffee black and sugarless. You do not want to not hire such a nice person solely because of her weight. There are no space problems with hiring Cindy, as your work area is large. You wonder if this fear of lost business is personal or if Cindy's size will really affect business. How do you find out? What do you tell nice, but morbidly obese, Cindy if you decide not to hire her?

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To decide if she and her largeness is something personal or it will really hurt your business I would simply look at the statistics. It has been proven that good looking people are more appealing to people than those who are not so good looking. It is your business and you have the right ...

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