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Organizational Behavioral Principles

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Your supervisor has asked you to lead the project for adding employees for the new plant. It is a new production facility, with a new product line and manufacturing process, UPI has designed. You anticipate that some existing employees will be interested in transferring to the new plant and you will be hiring over 50 new employees, some to back fill the transfers and others to staff the new facility. You are not responsible for the hiring process, HR will manage that, but your Director wants your team to be sure that new hires fit into the culture. You have discussed with him and you both agree it is a great time to start making some cultural changes to make the work environment more challenging and interesting to address the issues of performance and morale for a long-term solution.

To address this need you research and prepare a report to share with your Director, including the following elements:
- What is the impact on of individual employees' personalities on their attitudes towards work?
- How can individual values influence workforce performance, both positively and negatively?
- Discuss how to use job design to create the high performance work climate that UPI wants to create in both the existing and new production facilities.
- What types of goals do you suggest UPI use to foster a collaborative work environment?

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Generally speaking, let's tackle each of the questions you are required to address in your report:

1. Goal oriented personalities, quality oriented personalities and leadership personalities are quite likely to produce required results, meeting goals and quality/quantity requirements without much pushing or encouragement. These types of personalities tend to make good leaders of teams in the group setting of a project.

Persons with low self-esteem and non-goal oriented personalities will not produce to the top of their abilities without some sort of outside pressure and encouragement. They will make up the rest of the team's body under the leadership of those first mentioned.

2. The person who values independence in the work place will undoubtedly work best alone. However, given a goal that must be met to assist the group with completion of the ...

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