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Principles of Management

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Essay Questions
1. Discuss and analyze the problems American industry has in its efforts to increase productivity.

2. Much is being said about stress and its management. If you were a manager and your "people" seemed to evince stressful behavior, what would you do about it? How do you recognize stressful behavior in the first place? What do you do for yourself to overcome work-related stress?

Text Books:

Telecourse Guide
â?¢ Study lessons 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 in the Telecourse Guide for Taking the Lead: The Management Revolution, 5th ed., by Paul Sonnenburg and John Allman.

â?¢ Review chapter 4 in Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations, 9th ed., by Plunkett, Attner, and Allen.

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Solution Summary

Approximately 695 words for the first answer

Approximately 708 words for the second answer

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