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Business strategies

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I just need around 200-300 words for each bullet point to help me write my final paper.

1.) What are some business strategies businesses may use? What are some implications of these strategies to your business or one with which you are familiar? What recommendations do you have to better use business strategies?

2.) Why might a strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats analysis be important to an organization? Provide an example of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in your business or one with which you are familiar. How would you use strengths to leverage opportunities and minimize areas of weakness?

3.)What are the components of a successful business model outlined by Chesbrough and Rosenbloom? How does each role affect businesses?

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This solution will provide a detailed explanation of business strategies that are implemented in a business environment.

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Hello. I provide the following to assist you.

What are some business strategies?
Types of Business Strategies
Published on February 15, 2009 by Kalaiselvan in Business

There are Several types of business strategies implemented in business environment.

"The following types of strategies have been recommended by management experts:
1. Stability Strategy: An organization that has a stable environment, limited number of products, customers, suppliers and competitors, minimum need for special skills and so on may follow what is called the 'Stability Strategy'. Such an organization is satisfied with its existing level of activities and wants the same to continue.

2. Growth Strategy: An organization that wants to raise its level of performance may adopt what is called the 'Growth Strategy'. The following measures are usually adopted by such an organization:
(i) Development of new products for the existing markets.
(ii) Creation of new uses for the existing products, and
(iii) Development of new products for new markets.

3. Vertical Integration Strategy: A business enterprise itself may decide to produce the raw materials needed for production to ensure continuous supply. On the other hand, it may also decide to start its own sales outlets to serve its ...

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