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Reporting aspect of a project/program or operation

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As we progress in our study of project management tools we will inevitably take a look at the reporting function. How many of you are involved in the reporting aspect of a project/program or operation? Do you agree with the methods used for evaluation? Is it always useful information being disseminated? Does healthcare organizations change the metrics used often or do you follow a traditional format which is well established? Do healthcare organizations use metrics (a.k.a. charts and graphs)?

In your opinion what are the key elements of the reporting process?
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The reporting aspects of a project/program or operations are determined. The key elements of the reporting process is determined.

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Significance of Project Reporting
Key Elements of Reporting Process
Reporting aspect of a project is a kind of pathway through which organizations can manage and evaluate their projects, programs and operations. Reporting renders organizations with an overview of planned and actual progress and achievements so that existing deviation can be found in a timely manner. According to me, very few of us are involved in the reporting aspect of a project/program or operation as we used to think that it's just a wastage of time or if some of us undertake this, ...

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