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Risk control in work environment

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While attending a project management seminar session on risk management, you overhead Frank say to Barry "I think that with proper planning it is possible to eliminate most/all risks from a project." Do you agree with Frank? Why or why not? Provide illustrative examples about risk control from a previous or present work environment.

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Exploring risk control and whether or not most risks can be eliminated from the project with proper planning. Including examples about risk control within a work environment. Over 370 words.

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While attending a project management seminar session on risk management, you overhead Frank say to Barry "I think that with proper planning it is possible to eliminate most/all risks from a project." Do you agree with Frank? Why or why not? Provide illustrative examples about risk control from a previous or present work environment

I do agree with Frank, for the most part. Many risks associated with projects can be planned for, worked into the budget upfront, and plan for mitigation strategies upfront during the Planning phase of the project life cycle. By identifying these ...

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