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Quality control mechanisms; performance metrics

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You will develop a set of Quality Control mechanisms, including a set of project metrics that each project can be measured against. Each member will also develop a set of Change Management and Control mechanisms.

Your deliverable should be in the following format:

6.0 Tracking and Control Mechanisms
Techniques to be used for project tracking and control are identified.

6.1 Quality assurance and control
An overview of SQA activities is provided. Note that an SQA Plan is developed for a moderate to large project and may be a separate document or included as an appendix. Use this section to list your business and technology metrics.

6.2 Change management and control
An overview of software configuration management (SCM) activities is provided. Note that an SCM Plan is developed for a moderate to large project and may be a separate document or included as an appendix. Use this section to describe your procedures for handling change to the specification while in development and the system after the system has been implemented.

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A Project Quality Management Plan
Project Management is all about managing your tasks and goals with the optimum use of available resources within a finite frame of time. To achieve that, one would need the proper coordination of all possible inputs required to carry out the task successfully. It touches upon every possible area one an think of ranging from software development to missile launch to the latest space program to the smooth functioning of your daughter's wedding to ensuring that your house is leak proofed before the monsoon.

Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management strategy carried out by an organization with the aim of embedding awareness of quality in all organizational process. Boje, et al, (1993) argued that Total Quality Management has a wider application than that of assuring product and service quality but also it is a way of managing people and business to ensure complete customer satisfaction at every stage internally or externally.

Drucker (1992) pointed out that Total Quality Management is an approach to improving the competitiveness, flexibility, effectiveness and understanding each activity and removing all wasted effort and energy that is routinely spent on an organization. The concept of good and services being "good enough" is considered inadequate in Total Quality Management and implementing it is being proactive concerning quality rather than being active. It also provides an umbrella for an organization under which customer satisfaction at lower costs can be created.

Developing the quality plan
Our Quality Plan will be customer centric. After one has assessed the organization and defined the project's deliverables, one can start creating the planning of quality.
What is quality?
A. Efficiently acquires anything needed from outside the organization
B. Keeps the project within the established budget
C. Gathers, generates, and shares information in a timely, efficient, and effective way
D. Coordinates the breadth and depth of the project
E. Ensures the project achieves the desired goals

Our Plan will comprise:

? List of activities to implement with time frame work of the same. (Discussed in the earlier module)
? List of facilities to be created/ outsourced with the name of organizations whose services would be availed. Detail of cost, time frame, and quality standards work along with contingency plan for each activity has to be there in plan.
? A precedence and time frame work diagram of all activities with calculation of cost of crashing activities incorporated it have to be prepared for getting over all picture.
? A list of Organization with whom partnership to be made and services to be availed will be prepared once we reach implementation stage so that smooth operations can be conducted.
? The Standards for various activities of the plan.
? Identify documentation standards
Defining standards for how your team will document the audit is another important part of the project plan.
? Conduct ongoing planning and analysis
Successful audit planning does not end when the audit does. As regulations change, you must continually adjust your auditing methods.

Our Quality Planning will have following characteristics:

* Project delivers on the promises - both stated and implied promises
* That the human resources operates with honesty and integrity
* That stakeholders of the Project be treated with respect - whether employee, business associate, supplier, vendor, client or customer
* That the environment is treated with respect - products/services consumed in the production of goods and services are not wasted unnecessarily, and waste is handled in a responsible way

Establish milestones and programs
Project milestones can help you monitor the quality process. Setting up milestones is especially important for large-scale audits that might depend on multiple constituents. Milestone should be as per the goals of the project.
The goal of a Project Audit process is to ensure that the design and construction of a project meet the quality requirements established by a Facility. To accomplish this goal, facilities management personnel should perform the following functions for the project team in order to ensure the desired quality of the constructed project:

* Establish requirements
* Build teamwork
* Supply resources
? Evaluate performance
There are many advantages to project management with a project plan:
? It helps the project team stay on task and ...

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