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Kodak and the film industry

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According to the 2 attached files, please answer the following questions:

1. Assess Kodak's position in the analogue film industry?
a.What are the rules of the game in the analogue film business? Visualize them by a causal loop diagram!
b.Why has Kodak (and Polaroid) been so successful in the analogue film business?
c.What are the key prospects that Kodak has leveraged in this industry?
d.Why has 35 mm film become so much less profitable in the last decade?
2. What are the rules of the game in the digital imaging industry? Visualize them by a causal loop diagram!
3. What are Kodak's prospects in digital photography?
4. Does it have the resources needed to become a dominant player?
5. What would you recommend Kodak general management?

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The solution provides a detailed explanation (incl. causal loop diagram) for the problem.

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Please see the attached files.

1. Assess Kodak's position in the analogue film industry?
In 2003, the traditional still analogue camera business is evaluated worldwide at 57 million units. The share of Kodak worldwide is not clear but in the US, in Q3, 2003; Kodak's market share (analogue and digital) was 17.5%, second after Sony. Apparently Kodak is a major player in the industry but the focus has shifted to digital photography in the last decade or so

a. What are the rules of the game in the analogue film business? Visualize them by a causal loop diagram!

b. Why has Kodak (and Polaroid) been so successful in the analogue film business?
In 1888, Kodak introduced the first snapshot camera for the public with the slogan "You press the button, we do the rest". Kodak has been so successful in the beginning mainly because of a new invention which can be produced en mass for the public. The other reason is that there is little competition in the early years.

Polaroid on the other hand, prized itself on a ...

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