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Social and Behavioral Science Research in Business

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Research costs resources, and resources are always scarce things in organizations. So allocating resources to research of any sort requires deciding that its results are potentially more valuable than the results that might be obtained by spending the resources on something else (such as advertising, or executive bonuses, etc.) Such decisions are problematical enough when the research is technical and the results potentially translatable into bottom-line dollars. But when we're talking about behavioral science research, tracing and quantifying possible results and relating them to organizational goals and priorities may be almost impossible.

What sort of justification can you offer as to why an organization -- any organization -- should expend resources on the kind of social/behavioral science research that you're learning about here?

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This solution explains why an organization should expend resources on social or behavioral science research.

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This is an interesting question, and I think that we need to look at it form a different point of view. Instead of thinking of research as an expense, we need to think of the results of the research as an asset.

Let me elaborate. Let us look first at a more quantifiable type of research. Imagine in a company, the plant workers were producing a high level of products that had manufacturing defects. This type of outcome could be detrimental to the reputation and the bottom line of the company. It would be within the company's best interest to investigate WHY this is occurring, and rectify the problem. The company could undertake a ...

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