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Dell goes back to its PC Roots

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The issue is related to the case of "Dell goes back to its PC Roots" from a book "marketing" By Pride and Ferell

1. Why Dell does not want to be a pioneer in the consumer electronics market, developing products for innovators or early adopters The way its competitor Apple does.

2. In what stage of the product life cycle dose personal computer appears to be. How does this explains Dell's attempt to expand into consumer electronics.

3. How far can Dell widens its product mix with out hurting the companies credibility? for example what might be the impact of new products such as dell motorcycles and Dell frozen pastries.

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The issue is related to the case of "Dell goes back to its PC Roots" from a book "marketing" By Pride and Ferell

1. why Dell does not want to be a pioneer in the consumer electronics market, developing products for innovators or early adopters The way its competitor Apple does.
Dell does not want to be pioneer in consumer electronics market developing products for innovators or early adopters. The reason for this is that Dell has discovered that it is expensive to research and develop, and independently market new products. There are other companies that have great expertise in innovation and development of ...

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