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Business Regulations and Insurance Companies

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Prepare a 350-word description of business entity regulations in Washington State as they pertain to insurance companies. Be sure to include the following in your paper: (a) Identify the business formation code(s) in the state, (b) Identify the address of the state's corporation commission, and (c) Describe the process for obtaining an "annual filing report" for a corporation currently registered in the state. Use the Internet as your primary method of research. http://www.insurance.wa.gov/

Can you please assist me in the problem? I am at a loss!!! Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

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Solution Summary

This solution identifies and discusses business entity regulations in Washington State as they pertain to insurance companies. It includes the state business formation code(s), the address of the state's corporation commission and the process for obtaining an "annual filing report" for a corporation currently registered in the state.

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Please see response attached for active links and better formating I hope this helps and take care.


It seems that the best way to approach this problem, and others like it, is to first read over the questions several times to grasp and determine what exactly the questions are asking for, and now you will be ready to begin your research, and with a clear idea of what it is you are looking for.

Let's first try the link that you provided above (or, if necessary, other Internet sites using variations of the words asked in the question (i.e., business entity regulations, state corporation commission, business formation codes in Washington, etc.).
I clicked on the link and I begin to search the site for pertinent information, clicking on the various links on the left hand side and found little in regards to this questions, and scanned the site and found it not user friendly, at least not at first. Did you find it the same way? I didn't seem to find much information required.

Then I found a link that might be more useful so I clicked on the "State Government Access link" by scrolling further down on the right hand side towards the bottom.

Great! Scroll down the information and notice the Frequently Asked questions link. This is often a good place to start looking for information, so click on the frequently asked questions. It is important to learn a site, which is often time consuming (and sometimes frustrating); however, go through the process so you get a feel for the site and where to locate the information that you need. Now scan the frequently asked questions to see if any pertinent information jumps out at you.
Great! Notice that much of the ...

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