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Mole conversions

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The question reads: Ammonia used to make fertilizers for lawns and gardens is made by reacting nitrogen with hydrogen

N2(g) + H2(g) ----> NH3(g)

a. Balance the equation (I understand this.)

b. Find the number of moles of ammonia formed when 1.34 moles of nitrogen reacts.

c. Find the mass in grams of nitrogen required to form 1.00 X 10^3 grams of ammonia

d. Find the number of molecules of ammonia formed when 1.34 grams of hydrogen reacts.

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This solution is provided in 1,081 words and attached in both .doc and .pdf version. Several references are provided to enhance understanding of the problems. It discusses balancing an equation and converting to moles.

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The solution is attached in two formats. One is in Word XP Format, while the other is in Adobe pdf format. Therefore, you ...

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