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Efficient C program to compute letter grades

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Write an efficient C program using arrays, that reads a file consisting of students test scores in the range of 0-100, and outputs the Letter Grades and the number of students having got it, as per the following criteria:

F : 0-19
D : 20-39
C : 40-59
B : 60-79
A : 80-100

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Solution Summary

Solution not only gives an efficient C program that determines a letter grade using one comparison, but also explains the how/why of the logic behind it. A sample data file is also provided for testing convenience.

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We can also express the given letter grade and scores distribution as

F : 20*0 - (20*0 + 19)
D : 20*1 - (20*1 + 19)
C : 20*2 - (20*2 + 19)
B : 20*3 - (20*3 + 19)
A : 20*4 - [(20*4 + 19) ...

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