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Code for reading Raster Data (Resubmit)

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Dear Champake Mendis, MEngSc (IP),

Many thanks for your reply, but I would like to resubmit. Please note that I have segmented my character as (10x10) pixels number plates 8-bit. When I used the code provided by Bill Green, TEST.bmp 20 row by 20 column BMP image, I found the right and expected result. However, when I tried to use my own Bitmap characters, for example LetterD I got result which when compared to the actual pixel values in Photoshop, they are completely different. I have attached a folder for you to see. Furthermore, I got the size of the file as 0 and the vector size as -1078. Why? I am using Visual C++ . Please look at it again.

Reading filename LetterD.bmp
Width: 10
Height: 10
File Size: 0
# Colors: 256
Vector Size: -1078

LetterD (Result using the program) LetterD (Result from Photoshop)

(0, 0) = 255 (0, 0) = 255
(0, 1) = 0 (0, 1) =255
(0, 2) = 0 (0, 2) =255
(0, 3) = 0 (0, 3) =255
(0, 4) = 0 (0, 4) = 255
(0, 5) = 0 (0, 5) = 255
(0, 6) = 0 (0, 6) = 255
(0, 7) = 0 (0, 7) = 255
(0, 8) = 255 (0, 8) = 255
(0, 9) = 255 (0, 9) = 255
: :
: :
(2, 9) = 255 (2, 9) =0
: :
(9, 6) = 255 (9, 6) =255
(9, 7) = 255 (9, 7) =255
(9, 8) = 255 (9, 8) = 255
(9, 9) = 255

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Solution provided by:
  • BSc (Hons), University of Colombo - Sri Lanka
  • MEngSc, University of Melbourne
  • Certificate IV in Training & Assessment , Australian Business Council
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