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Tax Calculation Program for Multiple Stores

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I need two separate codes for each request. Thanks.

#include <stdio.h>

/*Using define macros for assigning tax to different stores */
#define DelMar 7.25
#define Encinitas 7.5
#define LaJolla 7.75

? Del Mar - 7.25%
? Encinitas - 7.5%
? La Jolla - 7.75%

The sales tax amount for each store of the 125.00 Purchase for each.
int main(){
// The total sales for each store is
float sales = 125.00;
//Display Program Header
printf("Tax Calculator for Kudler Fine Foods for All locationsnnn");

//Calculate and print the Tax for Del Mar
printf("The Sales Tax for Del Mar Store is $ %.2fnn", sales * DelMar/100);
//Calculate and print the Tax for Encinitas
printf("The Sales Tax for Encinitas Store is $ %.2fnn", sales * Encinitas/100);
//Calculate and print the Tax for La Jolla
printf("The Sales Tax for La Jolla Store is $ %.2fn", sales * LaJolla/100);


return 0;

Service Request: SR-kf-008

Change Request: 1

Requestor: Harvey Stephens

Modify the C program so that the user inputs the purchase amount. Check the user's input for validity. In addition to calculating the sales tax for each location, calculate and display the total sale amount for each location.

Service Request: SR-kf-008

Change Request: 2

Requestor: Harvey Stephens

Modify the C program so that the user inputs the purchase amount. Check the user's input for validity. Have the user select from a menu which store to use for the tax calculation. Calculate and display the tax amount for the store selected and the total sale amount for that store.

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Solution Summary

With Input Validation, Total Sales figures in each location, and much more.

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