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Pros and Cons of DHCP Server

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What are the pros and cons of having a DHCP server on each network segment, versus having some of the network segments receive their IP address and network configuration via a router using a DHCP relay agent? Consider how your answer depends on the scale of the network.

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The pros and cons of DHCP server are analyzed on each network segment versus having some network segments receive their IP address and network configuration via a router using a DHCP relay agent. How the results affect the scale up network are analyzed.

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The RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) allows a newly-booted workstation to broadcast
its Ethernet address. The RARP server sees this Ethernet address, looks up the Ethernet address in its
configuration files and sends back the corresponding IP address.

A disadvantage of RARP is that it uses a destination address of all 1s (limited broadcasting) to reach
the RARP server. However such broadcasts are not forwarded by routers, so a RARP server is needed
on each network. To get around this problem, an alternative bootstrap protocol called BOOTP was invented.
Unlike RARP, BOOTP uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) messages, which are forwarded over routers.

A serious problem with BOOTP is that it requires manual ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Manipur University
  • MSc, Kanpur University
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