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Java Compilers and Interpreters

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1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compilers and interpreters.
2. When would you use each?
3. Pick a problematic situation that you think a Java program can solve or make easier.
4. Explain the problem and then write the pseudo code for it.

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The solution discusses the advantages and disadvantages of compilers and interpreters. The problem is explained and then a pseudo code is written for it.

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I would start writing a title to this paper with an introduction and then use the 4 items above as subtopics so the instructor can clearly see you included those items in your paper and then follow with a conclusion.
1. Advantages/Disadvantages
eHow.com stated that on major advantage of programs that are compiled is that they are self-contained units that are ready to be executed. Basically, this means there is no second application package that the user has to keep up to date. eHow.com further stated because a compiler translates source code into specific machine language, programs have to be specifically compiled for OS X, Windows or Linux, as well as specifically for 32-bit or 64-bit architectures. An advantage of compilers in increased performance; however it may take large amounts of time to compile larger applications. Interpreters are also much slower than compilers (HN Computing).
2. HN Computing stated ...

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