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Networking: Subnetting explained with example

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I need help solving this network problem:

You must have at least 2500 subnets with IP address and want to have between 50 to 60 users per network.

1. What is the class: _______________

2. What is the default mask: ________________

3. How many bits do you need to borrow: _________

4. What is the subnet mask: ________________

5. How many available subnets do you have: ________

6. How many available hosts per subnet do you have: __________

7. Give the network number, local broadcast and the usable IP address ranges for the 5000th, 50000th & 150000th networks.

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Solution clearly explains the important Networking concept of Subnetting with an example. It explains the procedure to calculate subnet mask, network number, local broadcast address, usable IP address ranges for nth subnet, etc

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I am Leela Krishna from India. I am very happy to help you with this questions.

All the best for your future.

Leela Krishna
=================Answer starts=======================

1. Class A ( to


3. we need to borrow 18 bits for subnet

(Since you want to subnet as a Class A, the default subnet mask would be:

subnet mask: 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000

The formula for figuring out the number of 'host' bits in a subnet mask is

2^n=(number of nodes ) (2^n means '2' to the power of 'n')

Since you know the number of nodes, you need to find ...

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