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Program Verification and Performance Tuning

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How do you envision the ways program verification and performance tuning will be accomplished in the future? Will it still be a work of art? Will it always be the result of one's experience? Or do you forecast more and more automatic ways (algorithms?) to accomplish these tasks?

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This solution basically deals with the program verification and performance tuning process and they way it is likely to be attained in the future. It answers the following question:
How do you envision the ways program verification and performance tuning will be accomplished in the future?

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Program Verification and Performance Tuning

Program verification is the process of checking that a computer program does exactly as descibed in the specification of the program. Performance tuning of a program deals with optimizing the performance of a program.

There has been a lot of debate on whether the existing program verification techniques can guarantee the performance of a program. As James Fetzer stated in his well written article, "The success of program verification as a generally applicable and completely reliable method for guaranteeing program performance is not even a theoretical possibility."(1988) Although this article was written twenty years back, it is still a subject of debate about the techniques of program verification and their ability to guarantee performance of a program.

In the context of performance tuning, it would be worth while to describe the comments made by Diego Novillo,"The very first goal in performance tuning is to determine what to fix. So, you need tools to analyze the execution of the program. This will ...

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