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Object Oriented Data and Processes - Tracking CD and DVD

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I need assistance so I can write an object-oriented design for a system that keeps tracks of CD and DVD collection. I need the classes, associated data, and operations for the classes. Also, the pseudocode for each of the classes.

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Solution Summary

A detailed description of how to keep track of CD and DVD collection using object-oriented methodology, complete with pseudo code design, structure of classes and methods.

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Each of the classes, their associated Data and their operations are given below
1. Media
? totalItems
? Name
? Serial
? AddItem
? getName
? getSerial
? getTotalItems
? setName
? setSerial
? setTotalItems

2. CD is a Media
? Album
? Artist
? Volume
? getAlbum
? getArtist
? getVolume
? setAlbum
? setArtist
? setVolume

3. DVD is a Media
? Movie
? Artist
? Volume
? getAlbum
? getArtist
? getVolume
? setAlbum
? setArtist
? setVolume

The pseudocode for each of the ...

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