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Site Structures (linear & hierarchical)

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Browse the Web to find examples of the following site structures (A. Linear and B. Hierarchical) and describe how the content fits the structure. Explain how the chosen structure adds to or detracts from the effectiveness and ease of navigation of the site. Determine whether the site provides sufficient navigation information. Create screen captures from the sites and indicate where the site structure and navigation information are available to the user.


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Browse the Web to find examples of the following site structures (A. Linear and B. Hierarchical) and describe how the content fits the structure. Explain how the chosen structure adds to or detracts from the effectiveness and ease of navigation of the site. Determine whether the site provides sufficient navigation information. Create screen captures from the sites and indicate where the site structure and navigation information are available to the user.

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Attached is a FULL draft of your assignment (.doc) as requested, along with links available for further research. ...

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