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Rocks: Solid Earth

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I have studied Bowen's reaction series and understand the process of magmatic differentiation, that different types of minerals crystallize from magma systematically. I understand that during the crystallization process, the composition of magma continually changes. However, can you explain and help me understand how partial melting can generate magmas with different compositions with regard to Bowen's reaction series and the magmatic differentiation?

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This solution uses Bowen's reaction series to explain how partial melting can generate magmas with different compositions.

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Bowen Reaction series and partial melting
So we know how the Bowen reaction series works
It explains why certain mineral will usually be found together in rocks and why others rarely show up together
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The bowen reaction series tell us that:
1. The chemistry of magma will determine what type of igneous rock will form
2. For a given magma composition, , the first magmas to solidify will be mafic (rich in Fe, Mg, Ca) such as a basalt or gabbro.
3. After this, more felsic magmas (rich in K, Na, Si, and quartz) will produce rhyolites and basalts.
4. During heating, the order of mineral melting will be reversed from the order of crystallization.

Magmatic differentiation, also known as magma evolution, states that magmas that melt close to their rock source are more similar to them in mineral composition, while magmas ...

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