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Designing an Effective Reward System

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Please help me create ideas so I can learn how to create an employee reward system for a human service organization or agency. It has to be detailed the methods to determine what aspects of the work should be monitored and rewarded and include a detailed explanation of the criteria used to design the reward system. Thank you so much. You guys are awesome.

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The methods and criteria involved in creating an employee reward system for a human service organization or agency. Discussion of resentment, entitlement, and expectations.

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To be effective a reward system should contain the following elements:

- Has the flexibility to enable management to use it for a variety of purposes, and to encourage behaviors that most benefit the company
- Recognizes employees who have clearly gone above and beyond the call of duty; leaves no room for argument that employee who receives the reward deserves it
- Is unexpected. Expected rewards can become entitlements, and as such, lose their ability to reward and recognize. An entitlement is any reward or recognition that is expected; once the reward expected, it becomes an entitlement, and no longer serves its intended purpose
- Is in keeping with the company's philosophy. It should encourage those activities that genuinely serve ...

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