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Does free trade harm the environment?

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I need a little help with the question # 2 in uppercase below, I have completed the other questions.For number question 2 Ihaveto argue for this.

Does free trade harm the environment?

Environmentalists argue that trade liberalization harms the environment. The decisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in particular have been the subject of much criticism. Carbaugh1 has described environmentalists' three primary assertions:

1.Trade liberalization leads to a "race to the bottom" in environmental standards.


3.Trade liberalization encourages trade in products that create global pollution ("pollution havens").

Proponents of trade liberalization argue that freer trade might actually improve the quality of the environment. For example, the international environmental policy of the U.S. and other industrial nations is based on the "polluter-pays principle." This approach is intended to give producers the incentive to develop more pollution-control techniques.2

Carbaugh, Robert J. International Economics, 10th edition. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. 2005
recreate and evaluate the arguments and counter-arguments for all three of the environmentalists' assertions described above.

Part 1: Recreate the arguments/counter-arguments approachthis as an exercise in critical thinking; your goal is to represent a party's argument as accurately and as thoroughly as possible. For each argument and counter-argument, present the following information:
1. The party you represent
2. Your party's interests or objectives
3. Your party's assertion
4. A summary of the available evidence that supports your party's assertion and/or examples that illustrate the assertion.

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Does free trade harm the environment?

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Dear Student: I am providing solution for both the scenarios: Argument in favor for this statement as argument in against of this statement.

Argument in favor of this statement:

It is indeed true that increasing trade liberalization is conflicting with morally conscious environmental policies. It can be supported by the fact that more and more companies are going global to exploit the comparative advantages existing in different parts and countries of the world which is in existence due to available natural resources, environmental conditions, etc. in those particular parts. Companies, in an attempt to produce more at lower costs, are neglecting the environment and depleting the scarce natural resources at an alarming rate and are not paying attention with regards to preserving the environment. Their global forays have turned many beautiful parts of the world, which are rich in natural resources into pollution centers. As the competition between global corporations is increasing and there is an intense battle to capture more and more market share, the companies are increasing ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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