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Learning Needs of Diverse Students

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1. Identify two types of diverse learners.

2. Search for effective teaching practices or the two types you picked on the internet. List the web addresses.

3. List effective teaching practices for both types.

Select one instructional practice from you list. How can this practice be applied to both types o learners you identified? Can this single practice be effective for all learners? Why or why not?

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Solution Summary

Referring to learner needs, this solution identifies two types of diverse learners, including effective teaching practices for both types. It then discusses one instructional practice and if it can be applied to both types of learners, and if this single practice can be effective for all learners (why or why not). The websites are also listed.

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This is an interesting and timely topic in todays diverse world of learners! Let's take a closer look.


1. Identify two types to diverse learners.

People with learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, etc.) and ADHD are the first two that come to mind, so let's go with these. The teaching strategies are aimed at the characteristics associated with the the diversity issue.

Dyslexia is believed to be a neurological language processing disorder that affects a student's ability to process written and spoken information. Dyslexia can range from mild to debilitating. In public schools dyslexia is typically considered a type of learning disability, and the tern dyslexia may or may not be used. In evaluation by non-school professionals, the term dyslexia may be preferred. Students with severe Dyslexia may qualify for special education services and may require specially designed instruction to remediate the problem. Further, students with true Dyslexia usually have other receptive or expressive language or auditory processing difficulty (http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/learningdisabilitybasics/a/Dslxiapart1.htm).

2. Search for effective teaching practices or the two types you picked on the Internet. List the web addresses.

Links to check out:

· Learners with Learning Disabilities (LD) and ADHD: http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/htmlWord2.php?file=/lls/inclusivity/Strategies/2.4.html&printable=true
· http://www.adult-child-add-adhd.com/index.php
· http://www.caddac.ca/cms/page.php?57 (see list of recommended strategies below)

· Learners with Dyslexia http://specialneedseducation.suite101.com/article.cfm/tips_to_help_dyslexic_students

· Learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD): http://autistic-students.suite101.com/article.cfm/autism_in_the_classroom

b. List effective teaching practices for both types.

In general, the successful teacher (self, student, diversity and environmental awareness) working with today's diverse learners implements several effective teaching practices, such as:

· Identify areas of bias in the classroom, in the curriculum, and within themselves.
· Choose appropriate tactics for removing bias.
· Gain an understanding of the special needs of students from diverse backgrounds and with language deficits.
· Understand that all students come to the classroom with a set of beliefs based, in part, on their past experiences.
· Incorporate ideas for reaching all students in the classroom.
· Create lessons in which students' differences are acknowledged.
· Build and foster a sense of community within the classroom (http://wetsk.com/course10.html).

The following suggestions, though not exhaustive, can be of benefit to all students regardless of ability. However, there are some strategies that are aimed at specific diversity issues associated with learning disabilities and ADHD.

Creating the environment:

· Ensure lighting and seating enable all participants to see each other. Make sure that acoustics are good.
· Create an atmosphere that is open, positive and supportive.
· Allow sufficient time for students to settle down and demonstrate their skills.
· Enable students to have immediate success with learning (http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/inclusivity/Strategies/2.4.html).

Encouraging participation

· Do not force participation. If the student can work with one other student, plan activities for them to work together. The other student can then report back to the group.
· Write main points on the board to reinforce understanding and to allow students to keep track of the discussion.
· Give positive feedback early and frequently to help students feel that they can do well.
· Arrange a note taker.
· Give students extra time to formulate answers (http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/inclusivity/Strategies/2.4.html).

Student issues

Some students with mental health conditions (e.g. ADHD) and learning difficulties may find two-way communication hard for a variety of reasons.

· Use carefully worded unambiguous questions. Write them up on the board so students can refer to them.
· Use literal, precise language and avoid colloquialisms, metaphors and analogies, which could be hard to follow.
· Give concrete, tangible examples, which relate to daily experiences(http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/inclusivity/Strategies/2.4.html).

Students with ADHD

Some students with ADHD may have ...

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