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Example of a Data Report in Excel Spreadsheet

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Within the workbook, you will do the following:
Submit the following reports:
Last name, First name, Name of school/district sorted by Last name, First name ascending order
This just means that after you sort the data based on the last name, first name ascending order, then you should remove any columns that are not the last name, first name, and name of the school district.
On report 1, copy the data from sheet 1, and paste it on this report sheet. Then, sort all of your data by last name ascending order and then first name ascending order. Next, eliminate any extra columns that are not the last name, first name, or school columns.
Last name, First name, subject (content) area sorted by Last name, First name descending order
This just means that after you sort the data based on the last name, first name descending order, then you should remove any columns that are not the last name, first name, and the subject.
On report 2, copy the data from sheet 1, and paste it on this report sheet. Then, sort all of your data by last name descending order and then first name descending order. Next, eliminate any extra columns that are not the last name, first name, or subject columns.
Type of computer used, Last name, First name sorted by Type of computer used ascending order only
This just means that after you sort the data based on the type of computer used ascending order, then you should remove any columns that are not the computer used, the last name, and the first name.
On report 3, copy the data from sheet 1, and paste it on this report sheet. Then, sort all of your data by type of computer used (ascending order). Next, eliminate any extra columns that are not the type of computer used, last name, or first name columns.
The rubric and the Excel spreadsheet for this assignment are attached to the post :)

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Solution Summary

This solution provides an example of a data reports using an Excel spreadsheet. Some of the categories are first name, last name, and school. It uses seven columns.

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