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The Importance of Play - Activities for Children

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Children learn as they play and while playing, they learn how to learn. Take a moment to read the article "The Importance of Play - Activities for Children." Then, think about the childhood games that you played. Share your favorite playtime activity with your classmates and explain why it was your favorite. Describe what you learned from your play and how it enhanced your development as a child. Using your own experience with play and the information in the reading, also describe five takeaways from each article that you will use to support play and enhance the development of children under your supervision. Please answer all the prompts.

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The following posting discusses the importance of play.

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Then, think about the childhood games that you played. Share your favorite playtime activity with your classmates and explain why it was your favorite. Describe what you learned from your play and how it enhanced your development as a child. Using your own experience with play and the information in the reading, also describe five ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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