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Linkages: assessment and instruction

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Identify two major strategies in linking assessment and instruction: 1) making instructional decisions in light of assessment results or 2) planning instruction to achieve the objectives represented by an assessment. Which strategy is most applicable to your work or educational setting? Explain how you implement the process to insure student success. What challenges have you found in using this strategy?

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Linkages: assessment and instruction

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Identified two major strategies in linking assessment and instruction:

1) Making instructional decisions in light of assessment results or
Basing instructional decisions such as lesson planning and delivering of lessons, in a particular format are all parts of making sure that wherever there is a deficit in students' performance, that gap can be fulfilled with more revised instruction.

2) Planning instruction to achieve the objectives represented by an assessment.
Learning or educational objectives help in assessment, because planning ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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