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Newsletter for Educators

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Create a newsletter for educators. Address the following:

1. Identify the social and ethical issues relating to intellectual disability identified by both families and society.
2. Suggest resolutions to the issues you present.
3. Consider the elementary and secondary schooling period.

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The solution discusses a newsletter for educators.

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This is an interesting, and fun, assignment. The only thing is, there is no length requirement, and it does not say how many stories you need. Let's assume it is 1-2 page newsletter then, since it does say that it is specifically for educators. Anything longer and they would tend not to read it. Let me go item by item and give you some suggested topics you could use in your newsletter. Tip - if you haven't created a newsletter before - simply use a template. Go to Microsoft Word and go to the templates menu. Look for the 'newsletter' option and select one that you like.

1) Identify the social and ethical issues relating to intellectual disability identified by both families and society.

Let's look at two possible stories for the social angle:
a) You could examine that parent's lack of social engagements, as they need to attend to a child with ID almost ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Arizona State University
  • MA, University of Phoenix
  • PhD (IP), North Central University
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