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Parent/Family Flyer

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Parent and family involvement is crucial in early childhood education. Creating strong partnerships with families will help support young children in their development. It is up to the early childhood educator to facilitate these partnerships and to encourage parent and family involvement. For this assign, you will create a flyer for parents using the "Flyers" template in Microsoft Word. You must create an engaging and interesting flyer that will entice parents to become involved in the classroom. Identify and describe at least four activities that will encourage parent/family involvement. When choosing your activities, ensure that your ideas are culturally sensitive. You are required to include at least one activity that is discussed in Chapter 6. Provide a title and a short description for each activity. Include one scholarly source in addition to the text to support your activities.

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The solution assists with creating a flyer for parents

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I have provided a sample flyer with the related activities that will all be ...

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