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advantages and disadvantages of providing detailed information in each component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan?

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Please answer the following questions. Provide at least 200 words.

What are advantages and disadvantages of providing detailed information in each component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan?

Which component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan requires most attention as the plan is being designed and why?

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This job cites advantages and disadvantages of providing detailed information in each component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan. It also discusses which components require the most attention as the plan is being designed, and why. The explanation is given in 290 words.

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Problem: What are advantages and disadvantages of providing detailed information in each component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan? Which component of an Instructional Module/Training Plan requires most attention as the plan is being designed and why?

The advantages of providing a lot of detail are mitigating confusion because many questions can be answered through details, and your organization ...

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