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Factors Affecting Teacher Hoarseness

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Prevalence of Voice Hoarseness among Primary and Secondary School Teachers
Much research has been conducted on the prevalence of voice problems. However, many of these studies report rates that differ significantly from one another. The majority of the previous research on voice problems among teachers has treated primary and secondary school teachers as a single population. Because there are these differences between the prevalence rates, the results of the studies do not seem to generalize to the population of teachers as a whole. One possible explanation for this is that there may exist unidentified subgroups within the studied samples that should be considered a separate population. In other words, it appears that not all teachers have the same risk level of developing voice problems. There is no literature currently available that identifies these groups and compares the prevalence rates within primary and secondary school teachers to show that they should indeed be identified as separate populations within the teaching profession as far as voice problems are concerned.

Please discuss other possible factors such as teaching styles, use of technology in classrooms, and others before this particular argument.

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This response provides some additional factors that may or may not contribute to a teacher's voice becoming sore and hoarse while in the classroom.

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I agree with the comment that there may be many additional factors that can contribute to this problem. Does a teacher use technology with any frequency in the classroom? If he/she is a lecturer using PowerPoints all the time, then I would think the chances of damaging their voice is high. On the other hand, if the ...

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