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A Mentor for The New Teacher

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Is it important for a new teacher to find out from the school how new teachers are going to be coached and mentored?

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Mentors are important in a wide variety of fields, education being one of them. This solution discusses the importance of providing new and/or incoming teachers with a mentor (i.e., a seasoned teacher) at their new school to teach them the ropes and support them, and the benefits that having a mentor can bestow on the new teacher and the school district.

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Is it important for a new teacher to find out from the school how new teachers are going to be coached and mentored?

Absolutely. Most school districts draw upon their tenure teachers to mentor new teachers. They are able to quickly guide new teachers to discover the best practices. This is an opportunity for new teachers to be sanctioned time to ask questions that allow new teachers to determine what strategies are working in the classroom in addition to identifying and facing challenges.

The school will directly save money, and improve the school district's teaching and ...

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