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Anjula Razdan's "What's Love Got to Do With It?"

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Anjula Razdan's What's Love Got to Do With It? (found on Internet)

What type of evidence does Razdan use to explore whether arranged marriages are more successful than relationships based on romantic attraction? is evidence relevant, credible and sufficient? Why or why not?

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Anjula Razdan's "What's Love Got to Do With It?" is thoroughly examined. The type of evidence Razdan uses to explore whether arranged marriages are more successful than relationships based on romantic attraction.

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Interesting article! So, Razdan brings up several things: divorce rate, use of online dating services (match.com), struggle of dating, and how passionate relationships don't always mean a great marriage. She has some good points, in that people often do jump into a marriage because they are "so in love," when they really don't know each other very well, and after a short time, that feeling might wear off. As she puts it, you are staring at each other, thinking, "Who are you?" And, when a divorce does ...

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