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Formulating a Response to Shakespeare's Othello

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I need some help get started on the following:

Discuss William Shakespeare's Othello, the Moor of Venice as a tragedy. As defined by Aristotle, is it correct to label Othello a "tragic hero" and to classify the play as an Aristotelian tragedy?

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This posting discusses Shakespeare's Othello.

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Good morning and welcome to Brainmass today! You logged in and asked for help with the following:

Discuss William Shakespeare's Othello, the Moor of Venice as a tragedy. As defined by Aristotle, is it correct to label Othello a "tragic hero" and to classify the play as an Aristotelian tragedy?

In order for Othello to be considered a tragic hero and the play to be considered and Aristotelian tragedy, he would have to have the following characteristics:

- Othello must be a person of a high ranking and someone who is respected and admired.
- He must be a good person overall
- He must not have committed any evil or wrong doing with full knowledge of doing so
- He must have a fatal weakness or a flaw that causes his humiliation, defeat, and death

These are the three points that you will need to discuss in your essay in order to prove whether or not Othello is a tragic hero. So let us next look a little closer at Othello and see if he fits the description of a tragic hero.

We know that Othello is a very skilled military general and considered very valuable to Venice ...

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