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Accountability in the Healthcare Industry

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Why is accountability important in the health care industry? How is an employee's accountability measured in the health care industry? What does checks-and-balance process look like in a successful organization? How does accountability affect an organization's working culture? How can you maintain a positive working culture and avoid a working culture of blame?

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Accountability is very important in the healthcare industry, due to the fact that the healthcare industry is responsible for the health and well-being of its clients, and or patients, which is a very large responsibility. Due to the fact that the healthcare industry has the health and well-being of other human beings as its primary responsibility, accountability for the personnel and or healthcare organizations overall, is of a primary concern. It is primarily important that the medical staff that work within the healthcare industry are held accountable for their actions, due to the fact that these individuals provide direct care to patients or clients, and if these individuals are allowed to carry out their duties in a haphazard and or low-quality fashion, then the health and well-being of the clients will suffer detrimentally. In addition, inattentive or negligent actions by these individuals can also have life-threatening consequences as well. The management and leadership personnel within the healthcare industry must also be held accountable for their actions, and the quality of their leadership and management. It is up to these individuals to ensure that ...

Solution provided by:
  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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