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Develop a strategy map and balanced scorecard for your department or healthcare organization. Use your knowledge of the current state of the organization and impending threats or trends to develop a strategy map for success in this environment. Make sure the strategy map includes at least eight initiatives.

If you have access to real data from a balanced scorecard, or data that could be inputted, please use it as it will create a more meaningful project. create hypothetical data for this assignment.

Using the results from the data, explain what the balanced scorecard summary is illustrating about the current operations within your department or healthcare organization. What indicators demonstrate the current state of the organization's operations relative to strategy? Is the information on the summary aligned with the organization's strategy? If so, explain how to maximize operational efforts for continued success. If not, explain what changes are necessary to bring them into alignment.

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A strategy Map for the balanced scorecard is examined.

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Develop a strategy map and balanced scorecard for healthcare organization. Use your knowledge of the current state of the organization and impending threats or trends to develop a strategy map for success in this environment. Make sure the strategy map includes at least eight initiatives.

The hospital that will be used for this summary is a small rural hospital provider that is located within an underserved community. The hospital lacks any competition for 25 miles but there are large competitors located within driving distance. Currently the hospital is suffering from inefficiency that results in longer than typical waiting times for patients, a lack of quality healthcare providers because of competition with larger competitors, and a general lack of quality technology as well as an aging infrastructure with outdated equipment. The hospital is currently suffering from a crisis in quality management that only exacerbates the aforementioned problems.

When constructing a balanced scorecard, the healthcare organization is required to identify four distinct quadrants, which include the customer's perspective, the business process perspective, the financial ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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