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Medical Errors Preventions and Communication

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The medical care system in the United States is still grappling with large numbers of medical errors. How do the competing agendas of healthcare stakeholders, such as executives, providers, patients, and insurers, impact medical errors? Also, discuss how better communication, including through technology, might be used to reduce medical errors.
5 to 6 pages with citations and reference

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This document provides sources for answering questions about medical errors prevention and communication.

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Hello. I trust that the attached document is helpful as you answer your questions. Please note that we do not write full papers for students to turn in as their own, however, we do provide assistance in gathering ideas, understanding concepts, and pointing you in the direction of other sources that might help you. Best of luck!

The medical care system in the United States is still grappling with large numbers of medical errors. How do the competing agendas of healthcare stakeholders, such as executives, providers, patients, and insurers, impact medical errors? Also, discuss how better communication, including through technology, might be used to reduce medical errors. 5 to 6 pages with citations and reference

Competing agendas within the medical care system are due largely to systems being maximized to fit doctor abilities, availability, and volume instead of being centered around patients' needs, and the visits, procedures, and tests that they need in order to get healthy and maintain that health. Doctors Michael E. Porter and Thomas H. Lee suggest that services should be concentrated in healthcare organizations and in appropriate locations to deliver the highest value and quality care possible. [Harvard Business Review. 2013. The strategy that will fix health care. Retrieved from ...

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