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Health Care Marketing and Informatics

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1. Healthcare Marketing
- Do you think it is easier or more difficult for a nonprofit organization to effectively target its market than a for-profit company?
- What are the differences between them?

2. Informatics
- Thinking about the disaster relief efforts in Haiti and how we can text a donation to an organization. What are some of the benefits and challenges with sharing such information across organizations?

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The following posting discusses problems involving health care marketing and informatics. The differences between the non profit organizations are provided.

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-Do you think it is easier or more difficult for a nonprofit organization to effectively target its market than a for profit company?

To answer the question, to make it easier or not is really not the issue as much as the target market for advertising. Most people expect high level marketing for profit companies. This is an expectation for their business and is usually not seen as being inappropriate. Profit markets clearly have products that are marked for making money. This makes the reason for advertising clearer to the consumer. They have a product that has a cost and they will advertise this product as they best they can get for their money (Doyle, 2012).

In a nonprofit market, the institution is in a tax classification that does not allow them to have members who distribute profits to shareholders. All additional monies must go back into the organization for further use to promote the business and improve care. In the eye of the public, a nonprofit institution appears more vulnerable to clients who cannot pay for their services. This would include the Emergency Department care that cannot turn away ...

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