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Operational Changes within an Urgent Care

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What recommendation would you suggest for an urgent care facility if you receive a marked decreased in the returning customers.

Using these issues can you make recommendation

A service delivery gap analysis and how to create customer value at the urgent care facility.
The role the frontline personnel and their role in high quality service.
Specific suggestions on how to improve the total patient experience at the urgent care facility.

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Solution Summary

A discussion on assisting an urgent care in improving its market and customer service experience in 680 words.

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Recommendation on operational changes within and urgent care

What recommendation would you suggest for an urgent care facility if you receive a marked decreased in the returning customers.

Using these issues can you make recommendation

A service delivery gap analysis and how to create customer value at the urgent care facility.
The role the frontline personnel and their role in high quality service.
Specific suggestions on how to improve the total patient experience at the urgent care facility.
In 350 to 500 hundreds words with references from credited source.

The healthcare market is dynamic and occasionally managers need to take a look at the
demographics of the area and make recommendations for the types of services that are needed.
Normally a middle level clinic does very well because people do not want to wait in the
Emergency Department. Those who have insurance know that they may have a heft co-payment
or an additional bill. People with no insurance will go to the ED because they have to be seen
regardless of their ability to ...

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