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Dimensions of Health & Forgiveness

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Is forgiveness a dimension of health a dimension that needs improvement?

Choose one of the three dimensions that needs improvement.

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This solution discusses if forgiveness is a dimension of health, and if it is a dimension that needs improvement. This solution discusses one of the three dimensions that needs improvement. Research validated with an additional article that describes the wellness model.

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1. Is forgiveness a dimension of health a dimension that needs improvement?

Forgiveness might not be considered a dimension of health, but it is a measure related to the larger health related issue of the Spiritual and or Emotional/Mental dimensions of health in the Wellness Models of health. The Spiritual Dimension of Health certainly needs improvement, of which forgiveness is one measure that impacts all levels of health (Emotional Dimension. Mental/Intellectual Dimension, Physical Dimension, Social Dimension, Spiritual Dimension, and Volitional Dimension) as discussed below. Different theorist place forgiveness in different Dimensions of health, but most agree that a lack of forgiveness is linked to negative outcomes.

As seen in the abstracts and examples below, FORGIVENESS is also a variable related to emotional and mental health, which also RELATED to physical problems--a lack of forgiveness leads to anger and high stress and stress hormones, such as cortisone, which is implicated in heart disease and others.

In Most wellness Models, for example, despite some variation, common definitions for these life tasks include the following:

* Physical health includes exercise, nutrition, and rest. The goal is a strong body that includes muscular strength, cardiorespiratory wellness, endurance, and flexibility.

* Intellectual health is the ability to reason, analyze, be creative, and make rational decisions.

* Social health is the ability to create and maintain loving, genuine relationships. It includes feeling accepted and belonging with larger social groups.

* Spiritual health has varied meanings in the models but typically includes the concept of spirit as the life-giving force (measures of spiritual wellness include purpose, hope, optimism, forgiveness, compassion, love, relationships with God, self and other, etc.).

* Emotional health is the ability to identify, manage, and express emotions in an appropriate way and includes the ability to cope with ...

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