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Quality of Health Care in the Mental Health System

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Once a solution has been decided, it is time to plan its implementation. One of the keys to a successful solution implementation is the anticipation of those barriers or obstacles which are likely to occur as the plan is rolled out. For instance, barriers might result from conflicting organizational priorities; limited resources (finances, personnel, equipment, supplies, etc.); economic constraints; internal politics; personnel resistance; and so forth. Through the thoughtful consideration of potential barriers, health care managers can be better prepared to deal with these obstacles should they present themselves.

Provide background information on a problem you identified and weren't able to successfully resolve; the solution which was ultimately implemented to address the problem but was unsuccessful; the obstacles you "anticipated" experiencing while rolling out the planned solution; the obstacles you "actually" experienced while rolling out the planned solution; how you overcame or failed to overcome the obstacles; and the ultimate outcome of your planned solution.

What could you have done differently to achieve a more desired outcome?

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Solution Summary

The challenges that the managers faced are the financial obstacles that are needed to improve the quality of health care in the mental health system. The politicians or managers who want to move from a hospital toward a community care will be costly. There are several solutions to reduce the cost and improve the quality of care for mental health patients. This solution discusses this further.

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The challenges that manager faced are the financial obstacles that are needed to improve the quality of health care in mental health system. The politicians or managers who want to move from a hospital toward a community care will be costly. The solutions is to monitor the resources available to mental services closely. This is to ensure that no monies ...

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