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Pulmonary function in people who have been injured

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What happens to the pulmonary function in people who have been injured (spinal cord injuries, or in wheelchairs), or have diablities (mental retardation, ect.), talking in turns of, total lung capacity, expired air, inspired air, forced expired air, forced vital capacity, and respiratory function.

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The expert examines the pulmonary function in people who have been injured.

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With spinal cord injuries it is primarily an effect of on what level of the spinal cord the damage is situated. With low injuries that do not affect the breathing at all directly there is very little change if any at all. If any they are more mechanical due to sitting position in for example a wheel chair but they are minor, mostly probably affecting total lung capacity but most probably not very much. In injuries on a higher level the intercostal muscles (between the ribs) may be ...

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