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Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act of 1830

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What was President Jackson's role in shaping U.S. Indian policy? How does his background account for his policy choices?

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This solution discusses Indian policy of President Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

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President Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act of 1830

Question: What was President Jackson's role in shaping U.S. Indian policy? How does his background account for his policy choices?

President Andrew Jackson had a big impact on the American policy dealing with Native Americans. Jackson belonged to the new Democratic Party in the United States. Jacksonian Democrats held firmly to three basic principles: 1) it was the people's party - the party of the average American worker and farmer 2) the party opposed favoritism to the financially privileged and 3) the party held a firm belief that Native Americans had to be removed in order to provide cheap land to whites (www.ushistory.org, 2011). It was with this platform of promoting the average American, at the expense of the native tribes, that Andrew Jackson took office in 1928.

In 1830 Jackson successfully forced the Indian Removal Act through Congress. This act gave President Jackson the power to negotiate removal of Native American tribes from their lands east of the Mississippi. While the removal was theoretically voluntary, the government and land hungry ...

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