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Al Qaeda in the International Terrorism Scenario

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Does Al Qaeda target U.S. specifically, or is it equally prevalent in the international terrorism scenario? What other groups do they target, if any? What are the political or social goals of this terrorist group?

What do Al Qaeda's motives classify the group into—Exotic Terrorism, Religious Terrorism, International Terrorism, Gender-selective Terrorism, Criminal Dissident Terrorism, or a combination of various types of terrorism? How? Explain your reasoning and provide examples to support your answer.

What, according to you, is Al Qaeda's strategy for achieving the goals and mission of its group? What, according to you, are the tactics that Al Qaeda uses to attain their goals and mission? How can the weapons or tools used by Al Qaeda be classified in the international terrorism scenario?

Are Al Qaeda's goals justified? Do you agree that Al Qaeda's goals are religious activities, or are they terrorist activities? Do their goals justify violent behavior? Why do you think so?

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This response discusses the activity of Al Qaeda in-depth.

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Does Al Qaeda target U.S. specifically, or is it equally prevalent in the international terrorism scenario? What other groups do they target, if any? What are the political or social goals of this terrorist group?

Al Qaeda doesn't only target the U.S, Al Qaeda is an international organization operating in Yemen, Syria, Africa, and many other countries. The group has various targets but mostly focuses on strategic interests that are vital to the group's current interests. In Yemen, these interests include overthrowing the current government, but the Yemen group was behind the recent attacks in France.

What do Al Qaeda's motives classify the group into—Exotic Terrorism, Religious Terrorism, International Terrorism, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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