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Duties and Roles of those in Court

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* Identify the duties, role, and ethics of the prosecutor.
* Describe examples of prosecutorial misconduct.
* Identify the duties, role, and ethics of the defense attorney.
* Describe examples of ineffective representation of counsel.
* Identify the duties, role, and ethics of judges.
* Compare the various methods of judicial selection.
* Describe the role of the defendant in criminal procedures.
* Describe the role of the victim in criminal procedures.
* Identify the duties, role, and ethics of jurors.

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The duties and roles of those in court are examined.

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* Identify the duties, role, and ethics of the prosecutor.

The duties of the prosecutor are to pursue justice on behalf of the state or federal government and victims of criminal acts. His role is to present the case in a truthful ethical manner that will result in a guilty verdict if the evidence indicates guilt. Prosecutors should ONLY pursue justice even if this would result in an acquittal or negative marks on their career because of a lack of convictions. Therefore, ethical prosecutors do not attempt to withhold evidence or engage in unethical practices that may be legal, but are responsible for verdicts that convict innocent people or people who are not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

* Describe examples of prosecutorial misconduct.

Many forms of prosecutorial misconduct exist, including coaching police officers to testify, presenting cases during deliberations with defendant's and their mostly 'Court Appointed' as more definitive regarding guilt than they are. The prosecutor can also not release pertinent information within their possession to the defense about prosecution ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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