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Three Strikes Laws and their impact on criminal justice

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Three strikes laws are punitive and controversial in nature. Politicians commonly highlight such laws to garner support during their election campaigns by presenting a tough approach toward controlling crime. On the other hand, there are police officers who may face increased violent resistance from hardened criminals who would be aware that such laws would ensure their being in prison for the rest of their lives.

To understand these different perspectives, this assignment requires you to review three strikes laws from the perspectives of a police officer and a politician.

As a police officer, write a review of three strikes laws around the following points:

- Top three advantages of three strikes laws.
- Top three disadvantages of three strikes laws.
- Impact of three strikes laws on police safety.
- Impact of three strikes laws on community.

As a politician, your review of the three strikes legislation should address the following:

- Your political ideology and stand on three strikes laws.
- Rationale for supporting or not supporting three strikes laws in the context of:
-- Public safety concerns.
-- Political concerns.
-- Social justice concerns.

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Solution Summary

This solution analyzes Three Strikes laws from the perspective of politicians and police officers.

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As a police officer, write a review of three strikes laws around the following points:

- Top three advantages of three strikes laws.

There are few advantages of three strike laws because, contrary to your assumption about violent criminals, the majority of those convicted under these draconian and racially biased laws are non-violent offenders. The only advantages of the law would be that violent felonious offenders can be taken permanently off the streets if they committed three violent offenses. Unfortunately, the law has been hijacked from its original purpose and used to lock up people for offenses such as stealing CDs or candy bars on their second and third offenses if they have a previous felony regardless if the felony was violent or not.

- Top three disadvantages of three strikes laws.

The disadvantages of this law are far and wide, beginning with the current usage of the law that has resulted in contributing to prison overcrowding and budget constraints by incarcerating offenders ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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