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Diagnosing Offenders

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Offender 1: This offender has a criminal background that consists of violent incidents, such as armed robbery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault, and sexual assaults. This offender has been incarcerated several times and is familiar with the prison system.

Offender 2: This offender has a criminal background that consists of petty thefts, robbery, and burglary. This offender has been to jail several times but has never been incarcerated in prison.

Which diagnostic instrument, OASys or LSI-R, should be used for each of the offenders above? Why do you feel that the tests you have selected for each offender would be ideal? Explain.

Do you feel that there should be other tests for offenders besides the OASys and the LSI-R? Why or why not?

Can either of these 2 offenders be rehabilitated? Why or why not?

Can any offender be rehabilitated? Why or why not?

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The solution discusses diagnosing offenders.

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Offender 1: This offender has a criminal background that consists of violent incidents, such as armed robbery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault, and sexual assaults. This offender has been incarcerated several times and is familiar with the prison system.

This offender should be diagnosed with the OASYS assessment because the offender is a high risk offender and this is the recommended assessment for defendant's that are incarcerated within the criminal justice system. Therefore, this is the most appropriate system for diagnosing the probability that the offender will recidivate.

Offender 2: This offender has a criminal background that consists of petty thefts, robbery, and burglary. This offender has ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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